It’s a blur. One minute I’m nearly missing ‘planes and the next I’m waiting for the silly ‘plane back. As it’s going downhill this time it will be quicker too. Very disappointing really. It also explains why the ‘plane thought it would be OK to leave two hours later than scheduled. This is where the Kindle is just magnificent. All the luggage squeaked in to the allowable limits..I was hoping I was so overweight that I could leave myself behind..but unfortunatley not. I lucked in to a window seat on the correct side for the mountain views (left to Bangkok) and found that they hadn’t shrunk in the interim….still a bit freaky to have been happily flying for 10mins and the mountains are still all just there..and still at about the same height. Not a bad view though.
(random Pokhara photos just because)
Originally there was going to be a 12 hour layover in Bangkok so had planned a lightening tour…as it turned out there was only 9 hours before an early morning start and the hotel was near the there was a quick stroll to the nearest street café and a meal (which cost all of 30 baht..about 90cents) before trying to catch up on some zzzzzzzzs with the soothng sounds of jet engines in the background.
..and the Melbourne leg actually arrived early…home before midnight….St Anne the wonderful picked me up notwithstandign the somewhat problematic start to the trip…and now I have to endure Anne going over to work at APS Kendra in April …soooo unfair..It should be me again.
I’m fully geared to continue as the Childreach Nepal overseas consultant…Skype is fired up, email is warm and I have a list of homework to do. Hopefully my job in Aistralia will not intefere too much.
Thank you Tshering, Simone, Kulsum, Ravi, Lhakpa, Prem and Shristee for making my time at Childreach so enjoyable. I hope I was able to help..even a little.
…and thanks to the readers and followers of the blog…which will continue from the exotic climes of Wonga Park…where summer has just turned to winter and I’m freezing without the benefit of an open fire, lemon ginger honey tea or even a hot and spicy meal.